

A. Daily Schedule

Pre-School – Classes start at 7:30 a.m and end at 11:45 a.m for morning schedules. In the afternoon, classes start at 1:00 p.m and end at 5:00 p.m.

Primary – Classes start at 7:30 a.m and end at 12:30 p.m.

B. Punctuality

1. It is essential that every student attend classes and all school activities on time. This is important for self-discipline.

2. Any student who is not in the class during the first period is considered late.

3. A student who comes in late for the first period in the morning/afternoon for any subject period within the day must first report to the office of the Principal to secure an admission slip.

4. No student who comes in tardy for any classes will be accepted without admission slip.

5. For habitual tardiness, the class teacher will inform the Principal who will, in turn write the parents requesting their help to see to it that the student comes to school on time.

C. Daily Attendance

1. All students must come on time and on regular basis. They are expected to attend the full class session unless parents/guardians have given advanced notice and they have been officially excused.

2. All absences will be recorded. Upon a return from absence, a student must present a letter of excuse from his/her parent or guardian, together with a medical certificate (MC), if the absence is due to prolonged illness. Upon presentation of the letter he/she will receive an admission slip from the Principal so he/she can be admitted to class. Absence will continue to be unexcused until a letter is submitted and excuse is accepted. An excuse letter may be considered a valid reason for absence.

3. Students who have to be excused from a certain classes like Physical Education for health reasons must present a doctor’s certificate addressed to the Principal. The student has to report to the subject teacher during the class period missed and will do a substitute activity to complete the requirements of the course.

4. Habitual tardiness and absences may result into refusal of admission to the class. Three successive tardiness is considered as one day absence.

5. A student who has incurred an unexcused absence of (10) successive school days will be automatically dropped from the roll.

D. Staying in the School after Regular Hour

1. Students should have left the school premises no later than one hour after dismissal time.

2. Students may be required to stay in after regular hours for supervised school activities. Parents will be informed beforehand to secure their written acknowledgement.

E. Permission to Leave School

1. Except in cases of emergency, no student may be fetched or allowed to go home before dismissal time.

2. Permission to leave the school during school hours may be secured from the Administrator/Principal upon presentation of a written acknowledgement.

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