We believe that every child is a God given blessing, who enters the world with unique characteristics and potentials. As an educational facility we are given the honour and responsibilty by the parent, to embark with each child on a journey of educational growth and discovery. In our joint effort with parents and teachers, we constantly strive to develop and awaken in each child their creative potential, and nurture their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
We aim to actively promote the growth and development of each child in care, while at all times accomodating each child's individual needs, circumstances and background.
We aim to promote an environment which is safe, stimulating, homely, and loving - an environment in which each and every child feels secure, valued and respected. Each child must be given the opportunities to explore, discover, create and experience the world around them. A sense of contribution and achievement in a child's development is essential in fostering self-confidence and self-esteem.
We therefore encourage each child to reach their own potential at an appropriate pace, while cherishing and respecting their innocence and freedom.
Our final goal and expectation is to see children graduate from our school, equiped with not only a wholesome education, but with the 'skills of life' to enable and empower them to proceed into adulthood with confidence, and a sense of compassion and tolerance - and conduct their lives with pride and dignity.